Sun Damaged Skin

What is Sun Damage?

Sun Damage is premature aging and damage to the skin  due to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays.

What are the consequences of sun damage?

Sun damage hurts the skin’s ability to maintain essential components, such as antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, ceramides and important fatty acids. All of these components keep our skin looking youthful and healthy. the long-term consequences of unprotected sun exposure includes fine lines and wrinkles, brown or black spots, pigmentation, melasma, freckles, uneven dull and congested skin tone.

Combination of treatments include:-

  • Green Peel
  • PICO Genesis
  • Laser Soft Peel


Up to 8 muscle groups or 2 areas (e.g., abs and arms) can be treated in a single 45 minute session. Remarkable results can be achieved with as little as 4 treatments. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalised results you desire.

At the beginning of the treatment, you will feel a gentle contracting sensation in the muscles. Over the course of the treatment, the contractions slowly intensify. The intensity is personalised and will depend on you. It feels like a hard workout at the gym!

Yes! truSculpt iD eliminates stubborn fat while truSculpt Flex tones and strengthens muscles. Clients who are interested in losing fat, andthen defining their body, can combine both procedures to achieve comprehensive body sculpting. In Sculpt Mode, we can even increase your BMI, which will also aid in fat loss.

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TruScupt Flex is non -invasive, requires no recovery time and you are able to immediately return to normal activity after the treatment. Post-procedure, you may notice tingling in the area for up to a few hours or slight muscle tenderness for 24-72 hours.

Maxim um results are visible 12 weeks after the last session. Am I the right candidate for truSculpt Flex?
Both men and women who are in good health and would like to strengthen, tone and firm their abs, thighs, buttocks, arms and/or legs are the right candidates for truSculpt Flex.
