Acne Scar Treatment

What are acne scars?

Acne scars are permanent changes to the texture of the skin caused by healing of nodular and cystic acne.

The most common type of acne scars are atrophic (indented) scars which are found in areas rich in oils glands, such as:

  • Face
  • Back
  • Shoulders

What causes acne scars?

Scars are formed when an acne breakout penetrates the skin deeply and damages the tissues beneath it.

How to prevent acne scars?

The best way to avoid or minimise acne scarring is not to pop/pick your acne! Treat your acne with the right balance of treatments, home care and lifestyle adjustments rather than scarring the surface of your skin with rough hands.

Treating acne scars:

Acne scars are usually best treated by a combination of:

  • EnLighten Pico Genesis-FX
  • scarLet RF
  • Chemical peels
  • GreenPeel
  • Medical microdermabrasions

Before & After



Pico Genesis-FX

Pico Genesis-FX is an FDA approved signature procedure that uses fractionated picosecond laser pulses, delivered with a novel micro lens array (MLA) handpiece for the treatment of acne scars. Pico Genesis-FX fractionates the beam, intensifying the energy and creating micro-wounds within the epidermis and dermis, promoting advanced collagen remodelling and elastin production while leaving the epidermis unharmed.

ScarLet RF

Seen through a microscope, acne scars are like dips and troughs on your skin’s surface. One of the best ways to get rid of the scars on the skin is to fill the scars with the body’s own water content, which is collagen.

ScarLet RF, a Fractional Radiofrequency device, uses derma needles coupled with radiofrequency to penetrate deep inside the skin (approximately 3mm), resulting in the formation of tiny channels. These channels create a pathway for your body’s own collagen (encouraged by the radiofrequency) to rise up to the skin’s surface and deposit itself within the scars, giving the skin a smooth and seamless look and feel.

The quality, texture and smoothness of the skin and disappearance of the scars improve with each treatment as more and more collagen gets deposited in those scars, making the scars disappear over a period of time.


Every client reports a huge reduction in acne scars and improvement in skin smoothness and texture. The body’s own collagen is deposited in the scars after every session, making the results look natural.

1 to 4 sessions spaced every 2 weeks apart should suffice.

It is very well tolerated by most clients, however, topical anaesthetic can be administered to sensitive individuals to make it painless for them.

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TruScupt Flex is non -invasive, requires no recovery time and you are able to immediately return to normal activity after the treatment. Post-procedure, you may notice tingling in the area for up to a few hours or slight muscle tenderness for 24-72 hours.

Maxim um results are visible 12 weeks after the last session. Am I the right candidate for truSculpt Flex?
Both men and women who are in good health and would like to strengthen, tone and firm their abs, thighs, buttocks, arms and/or legs are the right candidates for truSculpt Flex.

The new Clear Skin : Cooled Vacuum-assisted laser treatment

Clear Skin Laser is the first technology in the world to combine a non-ablative laser with simultaneous contact cooling for more comfortable treatment and a unique vacuum mechanism to treat all forms of acne vulgaris and acne scars safely and effectively.

Clear Skin the most comprehensive non- ablative ER: Glass 1540 nm laser deeply penetrates the skin, causing thermal damage to the sebaceous glands, destroying P. acnes bacteria and reducing sebum production while leaving the epidermis intact. The integrated vacuum mechanism extracts accumulated sebaceous material from the pores, while contact cooling protects the skin reducing pain and allowing for safer and more effective treatment of the sebaceous glands within the dermis.

The new Clear Skin : Cooled Vacuum-assisted laser treatment

Clear Skin Laser is the first technology in the world to combine a non-ablative laser with simultaneous contact cooling for more comfortable treatment and a unique vacuum mechanism to treat all forms of acne vulgaris and acne scars safely and effectively.

Clear Skin the most comprehensive non- ablative ER: Glass 1540 nm laser deeply penetrates the skin, causing thermal damage to the sebaceous glands, destroying P. acnes bacteria and reducing sebum production while leaving the epidermis intact. The integrated vacuum mechanism extracts accumulated sebaceous material from the pores, while contact cooling protects the skin reducing pain and allowing for safer and more effective treatment of the sebaceous glands within the dermis.

How does Clear Skin work?

Clear Skin one of the most unique non-ablative Erbium: Glass 1540 nm laser targets the acne-
causing bacteria and rapidly destroys the bacteria without damaging the surrounding tissue, actually decreasing the inflammatory response with the help of contact cooling and vacuum sucking out the sebaceous material from the pores. Additionally the heat helps to regulate oil production, effectively destroying the grounds for acne production and leaving you with a clear skin.

What does Clear Skin treats:

  • Active acne
  • Comedones (blackheads)
  • Oily skin
  • Open pores
  • Acne scars
  • Pimples
  • Skin rejuvenation

Advantages of Clear Skin:

  • Active acne
  • Safe & effective treatment
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Lasting results
  • No side effects
  • Smoother skin complexion

Before & After

Before & 9 months after ClearSkin treatments

12th July – 2014 – 10th April 2015







Results may vary from person to person with all before and after images shown on the page.

How does Clear Skin work?

Clear Skin one of the most unique non-ablative Erbium: Glass 1540 nm laser targets the acne-
causing bacteria and rapidly destroys the bacteria without damaging the surrounding tissue, actually decreasing the inflammatory response with the help of contact cooling and vacuum sucking out the sebaceous material from the pores. Additionally the heat helps to regulate oil production, effectively destroying the grounds for acne production and leaving you with a clear skin.


Most people require minimum 5 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart and the treatment is suitable for most people, however prior to the treatment an assessment of the desired area is accompanied by a free consult to determine the suitability of the treatment.

There is no down time with this fast & effective treatment.
